
Maya Das Ratsel Der Konigsstadte / The Riddle of the Royal Cities

Hardback (03 Feb 2017) | German

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Publisher's Synopsis

More than a thousand years ago, the high culture of the Maya experienced its flowering season in the rainforest of Central America. But why did the Maya leave their grand royal cities so suddenly? The fascinating culture of the Maya with architecture, art, ball game, calendar, writing, religious customs and the mystery of its decline is re-illuminated in the context of current research.
The past years of Mayan research have brought new insights to a great extent thanks to archaeological field research and new methods of investigation. Around the world's leading Mayan researcher Nikolai Grube, the internationally renowned Mayan experts gather together to present the fascinating history of the Maya in a vivid manner: the urbanization of Regenwald living space, technical achievements, corporate structures God kings to the collapse of the once high culture. The visual power of Mayan art unfolds in about 240 enthusiastic pieces.

Book information

ISBN: 9783777426037
Publisher: Hirmer Verlag GmbH
Imprint: Hirmer Verlag GmbH
Pub date:
Language: German
Weight: 1990g
Height: 285mm
Width: 245mm
Spine width: 30mm