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Matlab Programming for Engineers

Matlab Programming for Engineers

Sixth edition

Paperback (14 Feb 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Master today's MATLAB® technical programming language while strengthening problem-solving skills with the help of Chapman's successful MATLAB® PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERS, 6th Edition. You learn how to write clean, efficient and well-documented programs as you simultaneously gain an understanding of the many practical functions of MATLAB®. You study the latest version of MATLAB® R2018a and work with new MATLAB® GUI (Graphical User Interface) Apps. The first nine chapters provide a basic introduction to programming and problem solving, while the remaining chapters address more advanced topics, such as I/O, object-oriented programming, and Graphical User Interfaces. With this comprehensive coverage, MATLAB® PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERS, 6th Edition serves as a trusted reference tool throughout your studies and into your professional career as you work with MATLAB®.

Book information

ISBN: 9780357030394
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Imprint: Cengage Learning
Pub date:
Edition: Sixth edition
DEWEY: 620.00285536
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 864
Weight: 1312g
Height: 232mm
Width: 189mm
Spine width: 29mm