Publisher's Synopsis
The inexorable drive for increased integrated circuit functionality and performance places growing demands on the metal and dielectric thin films used in fabricating these circuits, as well as spurring demand for new materials applications and processes. This book directly addresses issues of widespread concern in the microelectronics industry - smaller feature sizes, new materials and new applications that challenge the reliability of new technologies. While the book continues the focus on issues related to interconnect reliability, such as electromigration and stress, particular emphasis is placed on the effects of microstructure. An underlying theme is understanding the importance of interactions among different materials and associated interfaces comprising a single structure with dimensions near or below the micrometer scale. Topics include: adhesion and fracture; gate oxide growth and oxide interfaces; surface preparation and gate oxide reliability; oxide degradation and defects; micro-structure, texture and reliability; novel measurement techniques; interconnect performance and reliability modeling; electromigration and interconnect reliability and stress and stress relaxation.