Publisher's Synopsis
These proceedings contain the accepted papers from the Second International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2012), held in Changsha, China, November 17-18, 2012. Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Composites and Polymers; Chapter 2: Micro/Nano Materials; Chapter 3: Environmental-Friendly Materials and Biological Materials; Chapter 4: Iron, Steel and Alloys; Chapter 5: Materials Processing and Chemical Technologies; Chapter 6: Buildings and Constructions. Materials and Technologies; Chapter 7: CAD/CAM/CAE; Chapter 8: New Energy and Heat Transfer;Chapter 9: Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering; Chapter 10: Mechatronics and Control Technology; Chapter 11: Measurement, Testing and Detection;Chapter 12: Applications of Information Technology and Computer in Industry; Chapter 13: Product Design Technology; Chapter 14: Engineering Management and Engineering Education.