Publisher's Synopsis
The Systematic Strategy to Create and Multiply Your Wealth
You hold in your hand a blueprint used by the wealthiest families in the world. How do they - and how can you - ensure that generational wealth is created? What are their rules regarding money? How do they control their money and why is that so important? Lift the cover and discover how you can use their systematic strategy to multiply your wealth now and for generations to come. "Jason is a financial wizard and he's got a system that works. He helps you live the life of abundance and fulfillment you've always wanted, in a safe way. He's a creative thinker and an expert in the financial arena. Let him help you build your wealth in an intelligent and systematic way."- Jack Canfield, star of the movie, The Secret, Author of best selling book, The Success
Principles, and Co-creator of #1 NYT Best Selling Series Chicken Soup for the Soul "Jason's concepts and strategies - especially about investing and growing your wealth with infinite banking - are very powerful. He's the real deal - he backs up his word with more than 18 years of experience doing exactly what he teaches others to do."
- Kevin Harrington, original 'shark' on the hit show "Shark Tank," Inventor of the Infomercial "If you're looking for someone who can actually help you create financial freedom, someone who knows how to preserve and protect your wealth you've got to work with Jason. He has amazing strategies, he's been doing this for years, but the thing I love most is that he's a true giver on a mission to make the world a better place. The strategies he teaches in 'Master Your Millions' will change your life!"
- James Mallinchak
Featured on ABCs Hit TV Show, "Secret Millionaire"
(Viewed by 50 Million+ Worldwide)
Authored 27 Books
Delivered 3,000 Presentations & 2,000 Consultations
Best-Selling Author, Millionaire Success Secrets