Publisher's Synopsis
Mary was "blessed among women". The mother of Jesus, Mary, was told by the angel Gabriel that she was to have a child by the Holy Spirit who would be the Savior of the world, though she was a virgin and still betrothed to Joseph. Mary faithfully accepted the responsibility of bearing and raising the Son of God. God the Son dwelled inside of her body in human form. Then he lived in her home and was under her care until adulthood. This has tempted some to worship her.
The author of this book invites us to consider the pilgrimage of faith that the Blessed Virgin made. If we reflect on the stages of her journey of faith it will help us to put order into our own lives, re-establishing the primacy of God in our lives and rediscovering contemplation of Christ and service of neighbor as the first tasks of evangelization. Following in the footsteps of her spiritual journey, under her protection and guidance, we too can become companions in the adventure of Mary, mother of Jesus. We too can become, at the same time, a space open to receive God, mothers of God as St Augustine says. This is the challenge, and this is the grace that awaits those who allow themselves to be evangelized by contemplating Mary.