Publisher's Synopsis
The publisher is William R. Parks - The printer is CreateSpace. This book is available from the publisher at quantity discounts to bookstores, libraries, schools, book club discussion groups and Internet book sellers at 50% discount when ordering 25 or more copies - the discount price is $2.75 per copy. Email: WParksPublishing at The following was posted Mar. 6, 2012 by Marriage Unique for a Reason: "Bishop Richard Malone of Portland, Maine (who is now Bishop of Buffalo, NY) wrote a pastoral letter on marriage on the occasion of World Marriage Day, this past February 12, 2012: "Marriage: Yesterday - Today - Always." The letter clearly reflects the bishop's role as teacher (see "Catechism of the Catholic Church," nos. 888-892): it lays out the foundations for the Church's teaching on marriage as found in sacred Scripture, sacred Tradition, and the natural law. It responds to the contemporary challenge of the proposal to redefine marriage but does so in the context of an expansive vision of marriage's timeless beauty and essential place in society. In sum, Bishop Malone's letter serves as a timely "mini catechesis" on marriage and a firm but gentle reminder of what society stands to lose if marriage is redefined in the law." Bishop Malone obtained his doctorate in theology from Boston University in 1981 and was a college teacher and a chaplain at various colleges including Wellesley, Regis, Harvard and Radcliffe. Bishop Malone provides a very convincing proof for traditional marriage. Citizens should be more informed about the principles involved in advocating traditional marriage and opposing same sex marriage. The fate of the world and the future of our nation depends on proper behavior in family life and morally wholesome living standards.