Publisher's Synopsis
THERE is a large tenement house on St. Mark's Place, between Third Avenue and Avenue A. Thesuites of rooms consist, as is the general New York custom in tenement houses, of one squareapartment used as kitchen, sitting room and parlor combined, and two small bedrooms opening outof it.It was in an apartment of this kind on the third floor back, that Mark Mason's mother and littlesister Edith lived. It was a humble home, and plainly furnished, but a few books and pictures savedfrom the wreck of their former prosperity, gave the rooms an air of refinement not to be found inthose of their neighbors.Mrs. Mason was setting the table for supper and Edith was studying a lesson in geography whenthe door opened and Mark entered.His mother greeted him with a pleasant smile."You are through early, Mark," she said."Yes, mother. I was let off earlier than usual, as there was an errand up this way that fortunatelytook very little time.""I'm glad you've come home, Mark," said Edith, "I want you to help me in my map questions.""All right, Edie, but you will have to wait till after supper. I've got something to tell mother.""What is it, Mark?""I saw two old acquaintances of ours from Syracuse this forenoon.""Who were they?" asked Mrs. Mason eagerly."Uncle Solon and Edgar.""Is it possible? Where did you see them?""In City Hall Park. Edgar had just been having his boots blacked by Tom Trotter.""Did you speak to them?""Yes.""How did they appear?""Well, they didn't fall on my neck and embrace me," answered Mark with a smile. "In fact theyseemed very cool."