
Mapping A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS - Critical Introductions to Geography

Hardback (22 Jan 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Mapping: A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS is an introduction to the critical issues surrounding mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) across a wide range of disciplines for the non-specialist reader.

  • Examines the key influences Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and cartography have on the study of geography and other related disciplines
  • Represents the first in-depth summary of the "new cartography" that has appeared since the early 1990s
  • Provides an explanation of what this new critical cartography is, why it is important, and how it is relevant to a broad, interdisciplinary set of readers
  • Presents theoretical discussion supplemented with real-world case studies
  • Brings together both a technical understanding of GIS and mapping as well as sensitivity to the importance of theory

Book information

ISBN: 9781405121729
Publisher: Wiley
Imprint: Wiley Blackwell
Pub date:
DEWEY: 526
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 217
Weight: 572g
Height: 254mm
Width: 180mm
Spine width: 21mm