Manifest Your Destiny Colouring Book

Manifest Your Destiny Colouring Book A Mesmerizing Journey of Colour and Creativity

Paperback (13 Jul 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Colour in your very own collection of masterpieces and discover the secret to manifesting your dreams with these pages, full of enchanting images and helpful guidance Step into the exciting world of manifestation and awaken your creativity with these stunning designs. Just a few moments of quiet to focus on these pages will help boost your creativity, raise your vibrations and ultimately support you on your manifesting journey.The striking images are accompanied by practical tips and inspirational quotes to help motivate you towards achieving your most cherished dreams. So relax, embrace a peaceful mindset, and let the universe guide you. Inside you'll find:- Intricate, high-resolution designs that contain a varied selection of beautiful patterns Images that are great for developing fine motor skills, improving focus, reducing stress and relieving anxiety- Easy-to-follow manifesting techniques Uplifting quotes to keep you motivated as you journey through the pages- Harness the power of manifestation and make your dreams a reality.

Book information

ISBN: 9781800079243
Publisher: Summersdale
Imprint: Summersdale
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 380g
Height: 215mm
Width: 279mm
Spine width: 9mm