Managing the Social Performance of Microfinance

Managing the Social Performance of Microfinance - Money With a Mission

Paperback (15 Dec 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book reflects the implications of a social performance management agenda for the perspective of twelve partners from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, who participated in a three-year microfinance action-research programme known as Imp-Act. It features contributions from MFI staff who worked with Imp-Act directly, as well as from members of Imp-Act's academic team, who worked closely with the partners. The book reflects each MFI's unique, contextualized approach to measuring and monitoring the social impacts of microfinance, emphasizing the role played by this work in improving delivery of services; increasing client satisfaction and reducing drop-outs from microfinance programmes; and increasing impacts on poverty.Running through the book are three interlinked stories: the story of Imp-Act, an action-research partnership responding to particular concerns within the microfinance industry; the story of organizational systems and learning around social impacts, and the resulting changes to service provision and working practices; and the story of changes in clients' lives.The book communicates that Imp-Act is not only about proving impact or improving services, but is also about MFIs rediscovering their mission goals and instilling a sense of purpose in their staff and clients.

Book information

ISBN: 9781853396151
Publisher: Practical Action Publishing
Imprint: ITDG Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 189
Weight: 380g
Height: 158mm
Width: 233mm
Spine width: 16mm