Mammals Unlocked

Mammals Unlocked Mamíferos Descubiertos - Open Earth

Hardcover first edition

Hardback (20 Feb 2024) | English,Spanish

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Fuzzy, scaly, clawed, and finned, mammals can be found in the depths of the ocean and the heights of the mountains. Mammals Unlocked / Mamíferos descubiertos introduces young readers to the vastness of the mammal world in an easy-to-understand interactive question and answer format. This comprehensive, bilingual guide in English and Spanish has all the facts a young reader needs to wow their friends, impress their teachers, and even dazzle their dog"--.

Book information

ISBN: 9781958629307
Publisher: Science, Naturally!, an imprint of Platypus Media, LLC
Imprint: Science, Naturally!, an imprint of Platypus Media, LLC
Pub date:
Edition: Hardcover first edition
Language: English,Spanish
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 476g
Height: 230mm
Width: 154mm
Spine width: 18mm