Major Bible Prophecies

Major Bible Prophecies 37 Crucial Prophecies That Affect You Today

Paperback (23 Dec 1999)

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Publisher's Synopsis

* The Prophetic Chart of Human Destiny * The Future of Israel as a Nation * The Rapture and The Great Tribulation * Signs of the Second Coming * The New Heaven and the New Earth * And Much, Much More! Behind the clutter and confusion of world events, a grand pattern is unfolding. And in the midst of a planet that's unraveling at the seams, you have more reason than ever for hope as a Christian, as you look for the imminent return of the King of kings. Now, John F. Walvoord, one of the world's most widely recognized experts on Bible prophecy, examines thirty-seven of the most important biblical prophecies. From earthquakes to events in the Middle East, from the advent of world government to the rise of the Antichrist, Walvoord makes these prophecies easily understandable and shows you how to interpret them in light of today's changing world.

About the Publisher


Zondervan, part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, is a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications. For more than 80 years, Zondervan has delivered transformational Christian experiences through its bestselling Bibles, books, curriculum, academic resources and digital products. The company's products are sold in multiple formats, worldwide in more than 60 countries, translated into nearly 200 languages. Zondervan offices are located in Grand Rapids, MI.

Book information

ISBN: 9780310234678
Publisher: Zondervan
Imprint: Zondervan
Pub date:
DEWEY: 236
Language: English
Number of pages: 464
Weight: 431g
Height: 218mm
Width: 142mm
Spine width: 32mm