Publisher's Synopsis
Being happy and living a positive life is a choice that you make. You can decide to see everything as glass half empty or half full. I am aware, things may not always fall in as planned. Bad things or even worse, will happen to you at some point in life or it may be happening as you read this book, but that is not the end of the journey or the determinant for your fate. I do not know anyone who can clearly say that their life has always been in a straight line. Life will present you with mountains, hills, and valleys. The ploy is to enjoy every season in life and count all your blessings, naming them one by one instead of fretting about what did not go your way. You should come to terms with the fact that there is only one God, and you are not the one, thus regardless of how things turn out to be, if you are not in control, choose to be happy and if you are in control, do something about it.
You will be disappointed by the people around you. By the neighbors, siblings, parents, friends or even your spouse. This does not mean that they are bad people or that they hate you. No they are just being human. Believe you me, most people are focusing on the best things they can achieve instead of the small little things that you do not like about them. You just have to make a choice to look at the good things they have done before. Let no one ever take the joy away from you. The bible says in Nehemiah 8:10 the joy of the Lord is your strength. Do you want to be strong in life and in everything you do. Just be happy.