Machine Consciousness

Machine Consciousness

Paperback (10 Jul 2003)

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Publisher's Synopsis

From the toaster that burns our breakfast to the video recorder that wipes out our favourite movie, we've all had that feeling that a machine is out to get us. So can a machine really be conscious? Can it have feelings? Well, even the humble thermostat knows when it gets too hot-and it can do something about it too. But can a machine think thoughts? Does it have a personality? How would you know?

About the Publisher

Imprint Academic

Imprint Academic publishes books and peer-reviewed journals in philosophy, politics, psychology and religion.

Book information

ISBN: 9780907845249
Publisher: Imprint Academic
Imprint: Imprint Academic
Pub date:
DEWEY: 006.3
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 192
Weight: 432g
Height: 249mm
Width: 176mm
Spine width: 13mm