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Machination: Book II of the Amalgam Trilogy

Machination: Book II of the Amalgam Trilogy

Paperback (08 Sep 2015)

  • $26.64
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Publisher's Synopsis

Two years ago, Jacquol du Líeven and Lirit du Courdá stumbled upon the Amalgam cities of Dracha and Ocera. Jacquol has since established a unique role as mediator between Dracha and Ocera as he advocates for union between the two cities. In the far northern territory of Borova, a new threat emerges. Lord Córeav, sovereign of the Elvetha Empire, is as mysterious as he is cruel, and when he interferes in the lives of the Amalgams, Jacquol and his friends must journey north to sort out the newfound threat. Jacquol is thrown into a frightening new world of intrigue, technology, and mysticism as he struggles to understand his role in the world. Everything Jacquol believes about the world is about to be turned is yours.

Book information

ISBN: 9781329536227
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 408
Weight: 594g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 23mm