Publisher's Synopsis
About This Book
Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. - Revelations 3:20
God, where have You been all my life? I asked with joyful tears rolling down my eyes. His response melted my heart even more, He said, "I never left". My time away with Jesus in Cyprus 2018 unveiled a truth hidden on the inside of me by years of hurt, abuse, insecurities, merely existing, brokenness, lies, and lack of identity. The truth that God loves me more than I can ever imagine; that He never left me; I was the daughter of the King of kings, the Bride of Christ, precious in His sight, the apple of His eyes, His masterpiece; that He desires to have a relationship with me more than I can ever desire Him is too great for my heart to comprehend. I found my true love. I was undone.
Who Is This Book For?
I wrote this book for the girl who is on the journey of self-discovery; to discover her identity in God, her purpose in life, and become the woman that God has made her to be. She is ready to overcome the painful experiences of the past and move forward. She hears Jesus knocking at the door of her heart, and she is ready to let Him in.
In this book, you will gain an understanding of your identity in God, practical ways to get personal with Jesus in fellowship partnership & intimacy, who the Holy Spirit is, and embrace your new beginning in God.
Are you that girl? Jesus has been patiently knocking at the door of your heart. He has been waiting just for you. Will you let Him in?
Sis, make it a date, have a Lunch Date With Jesus today: ))
The Purpose of This Book
The purpose of this book is to stir up a deep hunger in you to get personal with Jesus Christ; to grow and develop your relationship with Him in fellowship, partnership, and intimacy through the Holy Spirit, so that you can embrace your identity in Him, walk in your purpose, and experience heaven on earth.