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Love Positions Adult Coloring Book

Love Positions Adult Coloring Book - Adult Adult Coloring

Paperback (11 Oct 2016)

  • $15.74
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Paperback (11 Oct 2016) $15.74

Publisher's Synopsis

A little naughtiness can rescue you from your stress or boredom. The heck with florals, animals, leaves, or swirls - these coloring pages are loaded with designs created from sexual body parts, sexy attire and sex toys!There's no doubt sex can be fun and joyous and lead to a relaxed state of mind and body. Celebrate it, indulge yourself and let your imagination explode within these coloring pages.Love Positions includes 35 different love positions filled with sexual coloring designs. Some of the designs are blatant and others are more subtle but each one is fun and sexy.Each love position coloring page is single-sided plus there are bonus images included.

Book information

ISBN: 9780998212128
Publisher: Adult Adult Coloring
Imprint: Adult Adult Coloring
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 90
Weight: 231g
Height: 280mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 5mm