Publisher's Synopsis
America has become an unbalanced, unnatural, insane nation home of Satan. The author living out of a natural rainforest serves readers pure, natural balanced power of Oneness in The Infinite Creative Light force of His love for all children and life on this intricately designed Eden on Planet Earth. Miracles come to those He hears in nature!!! Be still and know that I AM GOD. Psalm 46:10. The Holy Bible forecasting the future has been systematically changed by the Romans since invasion of Egypt and destruction of Library of Alexandria hoarding all the mystical secrets of Father God Jesus in Roman Vatican hands as the slave masters of humanity. One example is the Book of Revelation with it's Vatican controlled 1611 King James version and another version of Revelation found and written by the Essenes, the priest sect who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls and were murdered by the Romans. The Vatican has kept this secret from the world along with over 45 o ther purged books. Today the Illuminati Luciferian Jesuits (Red Communist) Vatican English Nobility Rothschilds Secret Societies have perverted the Bible into a scripted Blueprint of population genocide plan for One World Order. America is Lucifer's tool of deception using materialistic Government and Billionaire Corporate Religion where Revelation 2:9 3:9 revealing Synagogue of Satan is not taught in majority of churches. The World is under the death grip of the One World Order Satanic Roman Jesuits Vatican Nobility Rothschilds Illuminati Secret Societies. This dark force has set up America as a Luciferian death cult feeding off of embryos, babies and child trafficking where 800,000 are sold into slavery each year. Yale Skull and Bones and California Bohemian Grove since 1872 where Presidents and politicians in black hooded robes celebrate care of the dead in front of Giant Owl "Baal" symbolic of Moloch the God of Child Sacrifice.