Love Is a Pie

Love Is a Pie

Paperback (01 Jan 1952)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In Love is a Pie, Maude Hutchins serves up what is surely one of the most extraordinary pastries ever baked in a literary oven. Its ingredients range from the small angel Astrolabe, to Toto the gorilla, from an impudently portrayed Julius Caesar to the newest wife of the founder of the Mormon church. There is the curious history of why mannequins do not speak. In a group of five stories--"The Lost Papers of an Extra Man"--one learns what goes on in a bachelor's mind and heart, and at the dinner parties where he tends to lose both. In every piece within Love is a Pie there is the inimitable Hutchins style, her fresh and original way of looking at familiar matters, her piquant wit.

About the Publisher

New Directions Publishing Corporation

New Directions was founded in 1936, when James Laughlin (1914 - 1997), then a twenty-two-year-old Harvard sophomore, issued the first of the New Directions anthologies. "I asked Ezra Pound for 'career advice,'" James Laughlin recalled. "He had been seeing my poems for months and had ruled them hopeless. He urged me to finish Harvard and then do 'something' useful."

Book information

ISBN: 9780811218979
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Imprint: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 254g
Height: 127mm
Width: 203mm
Spine width: 13mm