Publisher's Synopsis
"LOVE IS DANGEROUS" unfolds the epic tale of Ren and Latisha, whose hearts are woven through the fabric of time in a romance haunted by a relentless curse. Each lifetime they share glimpses of happiness, only to be separated again by the cruel twists of fate, tethering their souls to a cycle of reincarnation that tests the bounds of their undying love.
In their latest incarnation, they face a race against time, as a rare celestial event looms, offering them a final chance to break the chains that have held them captive. With each rebirth, they gather pieces of their tangled past, uncovering secrets that span historical epochs and mystical realms. Their journey is a blend of love, mystery, and danger, making their story a perfect fusion of a historical fantasy and a paranormal thriller.Haunted by the echoes of their previous lives, Ren and Latisha navigate through layers of ancient rituals and supernatural trials, each step drawing them closer to liberation-or eternal separation. Their tale is not just about the struggle against dark forces; it's about how deep the roots of true love can go, even when faced with the darkest horrors.In this latest rebirth, as they edge closer to the deadline of the celestial alignment, their story becomes a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, bound by destiny yet striving for freedom in the face of the unknown. "LOVE IS DANGEROUS" is a narrative that intertwines the suspense of a supernatural romance with the allure of mystical elements, showcasing the power of love to transcend time and overcome all adversities. Reincarnation romance, Cursed lovers, Eternal love, Supernatural thriller, Mystical romance, Paranormal romance, Historical fantasy romance