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Lord of the Masquerade

Lord of the Masquerade

Paperback (06 Aug 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A fun, fast-paced interracial romance full of banter, scandal, and devastating secrets, from a New York Times bestselling author:

Entrepreneur Miss Unity Thorne helped two different men amass their fortunes-only to end up on the street. She's scraping by at the theatre, but this isn't the show she plans to star in. The next fortune Unity builds will be hers alone. Her masquerade-themed assembly rooms will rival the ton, but to do so, she'll have to apprentice the most dangerous rake of all.

The arrogant, sexy-and-he-knows-it Duke of Lambley's weekly masquerade parties are decadent odes to excess: unlimited food, drink, dancing, romantic gardens, and private pleasure rooms upstairs. Everyone loves his balls, and he likes it that way. He'll take a wife someday, but it certainly won't be the pretty termagant who challenges him in the ballroom and the bedroom...

In the Rogues to Riches historical romance series, Cinderella stories aren't just for princesses!

Book information

ISBN: 9781943794959
Publisher: Intrepid Reads
Imprint: Intrepid Reads
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 284
Weight: 242g
Height: 107mm
Width: 177mm
Spine width: 22mm