Publisher's Synopsis
Trends over the past decades show that Lone Wolf (LW) terrorism is on the rise around the world. To reach a deeper understanding of this phenomenon and its possible future trajectory, the authors of this book conducted a world wide study involving experts in security and related fields to investigate the drivers of this phenomenon and its potential course. Results were further discussed in international workshops in Italy and Israel. This book is largely based on the outcomes of this research.One conclusion was that future weapons available to Lone Wolves may be classed as weapons of mass destruction; another conclusion was that means of pre-detection could become much precise and effective. We believe that a new kind of arms race is developing. On one hand, is the possibility of increasingly destructive weapons falling into the wrong hands, and on the other, the development of new methods of surveillance and pinpointing individuals with malintent. Will the methods of detection be adequate and timely enough to avoid catastrophe? It is often said that one of the major purposes of futures research of the sort presented in this book is to provide lead-time to decision makers and the decision process. In the case of lone wolves we have some lead-time. We hope it will be used to reduce the threat we see in front of us. The book includes 200 pages and is based on informed speculation by experts and the results of detailed research about chances for lone wolf terror escalation and prevention. It describes some future weapons and means of detection. It explores the changIng role of cyber crime and the role of the Internet and reviews some approaches to follow if people with malintent are detected. It discusses the global legal and ethical situation. Finally, it offers some suggested policies that seem to reduce the chances for large scale catastrophe. It includes reference to over 100 cases of successful or thwarted attacks. Albert Einstein is supposed to have said, "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch and do nothing." We hope we have done something with this book.