Publisher's Synopsis
Travel from 1801 to 1907
The adventure that puts the spark in Elizabeth's fine eyes. An innocent ten-year-old Lizzy Bennet unwittingly uses the Bennet Wardrobe and finds herself transported to a future full of miracles to meet an older version of her younger sister. This Kitty, though, is now Lady Kate and her love sends little Lizzy back to her own time and sets her on a course to Pemberly. Fifteen years later, after Lizzy grows into Elizabeth, she and Darcy travel to the Continent. There they join an extraordinary literary retreat, inspiring Mary Shelley's reveries on love and life. Elizabeth Bennet's future finds its shape when reality becomes the stuff of dreams. About the Wardrobe Series: The Wardrobe sends Bennets on time travels where they can discover what they must. Explore how the Bennet sisters' love stories echo through time across all eight books. Some doors open to cloaks and bonnets, others to unknown futures. Nicole Clarkston, author of These Dreams, says of Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess: The Wardrobe Series follows Bennet Family history through a series of "coincidences," leaving the reader to gasp in appreciation at the mastery that weaves together a kaleidoscopic tapestry of the major events spanning two centuries. In "Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess," Jacobson tightens the details of his complex universe and draws his artistry nearer to its pinnacle. Readers enthuse about Volume Four of the Bennet Wardrobe Series! Susan Andrews awards Five Stars to Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess. Don Jacobson winds another clever tale as Lizzy Bennet has her turn in the Bennet Wardrobe. Lizzy has her time travel experience as a young girl, and her fine eyes fairly crackle with precocious intellect. The wonders of the future are engraved this time in a child's hazy mind. But have no fear, Wardrobe readers, Lizzy's memories of the future will influence the creative artistry of her generation just as other Bennet trips have done before. But the early conversations with young Lizzy are worth the read all on their own. She is just the Lizzy she should be, and I suspect many readers will love this story for the chance to spend time with the ten-year-old prodigy as much as anything else in the story. Lizzy's grown-up tale is a satisfying story and will not disappoint.Naturally, Lizzy and her Darcy find themselves in proximity to some of the great minds of their era. Jacobson has his usual historian's fun intertwining the Bennets with historical figures. (The characterization of Byron as a spoiled brat is priceless.) Highly recommend. Teresita García Ruy Sanchez calls Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess "Imaginative and Enthralling." This series gets better with each new book. I enjoyed this volume: the characters and the story's development. The description of Lizzy's intelligence and capacity is endearing, and how the countess and father protect her from her accidental traveling is interesting. For ArkansasAustenFan, Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess is "a great addition to the series." A delightful look at a short trip 10-year-old Lizzy made when she uses the Wardrobe as a hiding place while playing with neighborhood children. The Wardrobe takes her 100 years into the future to her "Aunt Kate." We learn about Lizzy's short visit and the connection she and Darcy will have with Lord Byron, Shelly, and Mary Shelly (author of Frankenstein). So excited to read these books by Don that fill in some of the gaps in the history of the families associated with the Bennet wardrobe.