Publisher's Synopsis
Shari Shea takes us through an amazing journey that reveals the spiritual growth, transformation, and power that lie within every one of us. Shari writes with the same "free spirit" as she lives out her life in her daily walk with the Divine. One of the quotes that caught my attention was by Mahatma Gandhi, when he stated, "My life is my message." This truly expresses Shari's devotion to following her heart. Paul Funfsinn Spiritual Shepherd of Celebrating Life Ministries In sharing the unique steps of her Spiritual Pilgrimage, Shari has reminded us of the power of Infinite Love to touch us, wherever and whoever we are. Her compelling and thorough honesty should prove to be a great beacon of Light to all seekers who hunger for the Presence of their Beloved Source. Be prepared to be inspired, amazed, comforted, and refreshed! Reverend Carolyn Swift Jones Spiritual Leader of Unity in the Foothills, Torrington, Connecticut This touching and heart-opening story of Shari Shea's life is inspirational and provides a clear understanding of what it takes to be a vessel for spiritual healing: an open heart and a willingness to grow with the guidance of Spirit. I invite you to feel the energy emitted from the pages as Shari shares her experiences of stepping fully into her role as a healer, her travels to Brazil with John of God, and her time spent in the Holy Land walking the path of Jesus. Let this work fill your heart with joy, as you experience the Presence in Shari's words. Nickie L. Golden, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Licensed Unity Teacher, Certified Life Coach with The Hendricks Institute