Living by the Light of the Moon

Living by the Light of the Moon 2021 Moon Book

23rd ed.

Paperback (10 Nov 2020)

  • $38.35
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Publisher's Synopsis

How to navigate your life by the light of the Moon and its cycles for successful living-our workbook will show you step-by-step when and what to let go of to free yourself from whatever holds you back, and when and what to manifest. The Moon is the great cosmic architect-the builder and the dissolver of form. Full Moons are about dissolving obstacles and outdated patterns so you can become free. New Moons are about manifesting, accepting, and receiving what you want in your life.

Most of the year is all about change, action, power, progress, adjustment, and adaptability-all in service to the ultimate goal of this decade, transformation. The many crossroads we will encounter this year will bring us to the altar of change. Making choices will lead to more choices, and not resolutions. Adaptability will keep us in the motion required to make the best of the year. Charles Darwin wrote, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change that survives." We will be asked to make choices beyond our perceived survival issues.

Beatrex and her team have provided a valuable collection of tools to help you, including:

  • Monthly Calendar showing Retrogrades, Void Moons, Solar and Planetary Changes
  • Daily Intentions based on Tibetan Numerology
  • Super-Sensitivity and Low-Vitality Days
  • Astro-charts for each New and Full Moon
  • Dimensional Astrology choice points and Sabian Symbols for the degree of the moon
  • New Goddess profiles corresponding to each moon cycle
  • Using the Tarot for each moon to get more support from a Universal perspective

Book information

ISBN: 9780578794617
Publisher: Beatrex Quntanna
Imprint: Beatrex Quntanna
Pub date:
Edition: 23rd ed.
Language: English
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 567g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 13mm