Publisher's Synopsis
The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, from Cimabue to Our Times is a series of artist biographies written by 16th-century Italian painter and architect Giorgio Vasari, which is considered "perhaps the most famous, and even today the most-read work of the older literature of art," "some of the Italian Renaissance's most influential writing on art," and "the first important book on art history." The title is often abridged to just the Vite or the Lives.
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects [Volume 2 of 10] contains biographies of the following artists:
3.Antonio Viniziano
4.Jacopo di Casentino
5.Spinello Aretino
6.Gherardo Starnina
8.Don Lorenzo Monaco
9.Taddeo Bartoli
10.Lorenzo di Bicci
11.Jacopo della Quercia (Jacopo della Fonte)
12.Niccolo Aretino (Niccolo d'Arezzo, or Niccolo di Piero Lamberti)
14.Nanni D'Antonio di Banco
15.Luca Della Robbia
16.Paolo Uccello
17.Lorenzo Ghiberti (Lorenzo di Cione Ghiberti or Lorenzo di Bartoluccio Ghiberti)
18.Masolino da Panicale
19.Parri Spinelli
21.Filippo Brunelleschi (Filippo di Ser Brunellesco)
22.Donato, called Donatello
23.Michelozzo Michelozzi