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Live With Meaning, Die With Passion

Live With Meaning, Die With Passion

Hardback (12 Nov 2009)

  • $23.74
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Publisher's Synopsis

A philosophy for life is explored by Fumitada Naoe, a man who took himself from the depths of an Asian shanty town, through the bitter discrimination of a wholly homogenized society, to the heights of success in one of the world's most economically powerful nations. His philosophy for living, told through poetic essays and emotionally charged photography, isn't how to create wealth, but how to live one's life with love, passion, and to the fullest. The strong messages and images in this book have been recognized by many young readers as an innovative self-development guide. Born in a shanty town of Taiwan, Fumitada plunges in and makes his own way to success within Japan's affluent business sector. Determined to be the top entrepreneur in the world, he is propelled by the death of a loved one to overcome the discrimination he has faced throughout his life. He starts his own company with virtually no experience or funds and builds it to a thirty million dollar business within in a year. Fumitada's musings are as inspiring as they are moving.

Book information

ISBN: 9780978508456
Publisher: Scb Wholesale
Imprint: One Peace Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 158.1
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 295g
Height: 178mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 18mm