Little Tails in the Jungle

Little Tails in the Jungle With Chipper & Squizzo

Hardback (18 Oct 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Chipper and Squizzo are a precociouspuppy and squirrel who love to explore new and exciting environments, flyingtheir cardboard box airplane to wondrous worlds full of fascinating animals andcreatures. In each volume of this fun, educational series, they tour adifferent location, encountering the real-world animals found there in beautifulillustration and fun cartoon strip antics. This second volume takes them aroundthe world, to the jungles of South America, Africa, and Asia, where theyencounter tigers, elephants, snakes, andsloths!

A fun, lusciouslyillustrated series of wildlife discovery books for children of allages.

About the Publisher

Magnetic Press

We are dedicated to helping creators share their stories with the world. Be they brand new authors seeking to release their first original work or established talent looking for a new haven to share their latest ideas, MAGNETIC PRESS offers a place where the creator is treated as the most critical component to the entire equation. As a publishing service provider, MAGNETIC PRESS not only contributes editorial and production experience, but supports the creator as a true working professional, allowing them to define their own branding and professional requirements.

Book information

ISBN: 9781942367260
Publisher: Magnetic Press
Imprint: Magnetic Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 741.5
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 364g
Height: 238mm
Width: 307mm
Spine width: 9mm