Publisher's Synopsis
Please see free book catalogs at www urls: or DESCRIPTION: A picture book translated into Simplified Chinese with Hanyu Pinyin. Based on a book by Helen Bannerman. (Greyscale B&W) OTHER PAPERBACK VERSIONS AVAILABLE: 01 Traditional Chinese (B&W ISBN:978-1505897425; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251845); 02 Traditional Chinese Zhuyin Fuhao (B&W ISBN:978-1505897432; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251852); 03 Traditional Chinese Tongyong Pinyin (B&W ISBN:978-1505897449; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251869); 04 Traditional Chinese Hanyu Pinyin (B&W ISBN:978-1505897456; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251876); 05 Simplified Chinese Hanyu Pinyin (B&W ISBN:978-1505897463; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251890); 06 Simplified Chinese (B&W ISBN:978-1505897470; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251906); 07 Traditional Chinese Zhuyin Fuhao with IPA (B&W ISBN:978-1505897487; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251913); 08 Traditional Chinese Tongyong Pinyin with IPA (B&W ISBN:978-1505897494; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251920); 09 Traditional Chinese Hanyu Pinyin with IPA (B&W ISBN:978-1505897500; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251937); 10 Simplified Chinese Hanyu Pinyin with IPA (B&W ISBN:978-1505897517; COLOR ISBN:978-1505251944). EBOOKS (COLOR) OF THESE 10 VERSIONS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN GOOGLE PLAY (No ISBN; Search by Title).