Publisher's Synopsis
When George Horton, Consul General of the USA, wrote the book Like Another Helen in 1901, it became an overnight best seller in America. In addition to the classic by now Blight of Asia, Horton wrote another 20 books mainly about Greece. Horton represented the United States as Consul General to Greece for almost 30 years from 1893-1924 and he was an eye witness to the destruction of Smyrna by the Turks on September 13, 1922. In 1907, he visited 47 American cities lecturing in support of the discriminated Greek immigrants (The Greeks of Today-1907). The novel, Like Another Helen, is based on facts taken from the third Cretan revolution (1866-1869) against the Ottoman Turks. Upon reading this book, one is reminded of the classic book by Nikos Kazantzakis, Capitan Michalis. When Like Another Helen was published in the US in 1901, it became an overnight best seller. Like Another Helen is a must for every Greek and especially for Cretans and every serious researcher of the Cretan Revolutions.