Publisher's Synopsis
Lighten Up! is a collection of 50 jokes and quotations by Johnny Shannon, who lives in an assisted living facility in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Despite his many health challenges since birth, John maintains a positive outlook in life, and his unique sense of humor is a prime way he does this. He likes to crack jokes, say funny sayings and make other interesting comments and observations that keep those around him laughing - and sometimes scratching their heads. The book is dedicated to his late mother, Mary Ann Inez Shannon, who died on Johnny's 51st birthday in 2014, on April 2nd. He credits her for keeping him alive through his bout with severe pneumonia at six months of age, when he developed a 108-degree fever and was in a coma for 21 days. During this time, the intubation procedure collapsed his left lung, which causes him trouble to this day. Proceeds from sales of this book will help supplement John's minimal government-assistance income.