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Life in Jesus: A Memoir of Mrs. Mary Winslow, Arranged From Her Correspondence, Diary, and Thoughts. by Her Son Octavius Winslow, D. D. ...

Life in Jesus: A Memoir of Mrs. Mary Winslow, Arranged From Her Correspondence, Diary, and Thoughts. by Her Son Octavius Winslow, D. D. ...

Paperback (13 Sep 2006)

  • $34.35
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Publisher's Synopsis

Octavius Winslow had a very devout, godly mother, Mary Winslow. When she died, he took excerpts from her correspondence and memorialized her devotion to God in this book. In his foreword, Dr. Joel Beeke says, "Life in Jesus, a memoir of Octavius Winslow's mother, is a veritable treasure of experimental and practical divinity. Living, vital Christianity is here set before us in undeniable reality. Would you like guidance in learning how to live more closely to Christ, how to walk more by faith than by sight, how to be patient in adversity and thankful in prosperity, how to wrestle at the throne of grace? Buy and read Life in Jesus prayerfully".

Book information

ISBN: 9781425547868
Publisher: Regents of Univ of Mi, Scholarly Publishing Office
Imprint: University of Michigan Library
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 436
Weight: 626g
Height: 233mm
Width: 157mm
Spine width: 23mm