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Life and Other Things I Don't Understand

Life and Other Things I Don't Understand

Paperback (09 Jan 2025)

  • $58.62
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Hardback (09 Jan 2025) $58.62

Publisher's Synopsis

"Life and Other Things I Don't Understand" is a poignant exploration of the existential questions that haunt our daily existence. Through a tapestry of vivid imagery and heartfelt reflections, the poems delve into the complexities of life, love, and the myriad emotions that shape our human experience. Crafted with raw honesty and delicate grace, the collection invites readers on a journey of introspection and connection, highlighting the beauty found in uncertainty. Each verse encapsulates moments of vulnerability and wonder, bridging the gap between the known and the enigmatic realms of life. This book is a sanctuary for those seeking solace and understanding in a world that often feels incomprehensible, offering a lyrical embrace that resonates with the shared struggles of humanity. Join the author as they navigate the intricate dance of existence, celebrating both the light and the shadows that color our reality.

Book information

ISBN: 9781805663690
Publisher: Creative Arts Management Ou
Imprint: Creative Arts Management Ou
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 82
Weight: -1g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 4mm