Publisher's Synopsis
Do You Seek to unravel the TRUTH on 'How to Lead Life as a Man'?
Read the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION(R), NIV(R) Bible in ONE Year at your own pace.
'Life Of Purpose' Study Bible seeks to provide life guide for Men as depicted in the HOLY BIBLE.
This refreshing approach to New International Version (R) (NIV(TM)) Bible study for men combines a daily reading plan with weekly reflections to explore how God's Words can be applied to your daily life.
Bible Study Sections:
- Christian Living for Men - NIV(R) Bible verses plan for a week are arranged theme-based.
- Weekly Reflection - Allow Men to think deeply about each passage and how they relate to their lives.
- Journaling - Bible Journaling prompts help life application of weekly Bible teachings
- Prayer for the Week - Crucial for bringing you Closer to the Lord, opening your heart, and filling it with everything you ever dreamt of.
Topics discussed in this Study Bible include:
- Finding Faith
- Facing Your Daily Battles
- Finding Your Passion
- Practicing Patience
- Confronting Ethical Challenges
- God's Guidance in Marriage
- Realizing Our Ego
- Celebrating God-Given Strengths
- ..
A refreshing Bible Study for Men from the Best Selling Author Anders Bennett
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION(R), NIV(R). Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.(TM) used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.