Lidice Lives: Healing a Nazi Massacre

Lidice Lives: Healing a Nazi Massacre - Travel Photo Art

Paperback (19 Sep 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Lidice, a village in what is now the Czech Republic, could not be wiped away.

After SS officer Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated, Lidice was targeted in a cruel reprisal. Hundreds died and the village was razed. Nothing remained until a handful of survivors rebuilt their beloved village a few miles away.

The site of the original village, roughly twenty minutes from Prague, is a monument to the 340 murdered individuals. A bronze statue representing the 82 children who died stands on an empty field. An award-winning garden nurtures more than 24,000 rose bushes.

Honor the memory of these innocents with text combined with photos that prove Lidice Lives: Healing a Nazi Massacre (a Travel Photo Art book).

In the Travel Photo Art series, traditional tourism panoramas mix with arthouse aesthetics. These slim, passport sized productions are your passport to new perspectives on famous places. Peer around corners and discover a unique way to interact with monuments and memorials you thought you knew.

This popular series includes titles that mix text with the pictures. Books like Notre Dame Cathedral: Our Lady of Paris, featuring photos taken months before the 2019 fire, become keepsakes associated with a specific site. Titles like Lidice Lives and Terezin and Theresienstadt are deeply meaningful for families touched by the Holocaust.

Laine Cunningham, a three-time recipient of The Hackney Award, writes fiction that takes readers around the world. Her debut novel, The Family Made of Dust, is set in the Australian Outback, while Reparation is a novel of the American Great Plains. She is the editor of Sunspot Literary Journal.

Book information

ISBN: 9781946732965
Publisher: Sun Dogs Creations
Imprint: Sun Dogs Creations
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 44
Weight: 66g
Height: 126mm
Width: 178mm
Spine width: 8mm