Liberty, Equality, Power

Liberty, Equality, Power A History of the American People

Concise sixth edition, Student edition

Paperback (31 Jan 2013)

  • $115.86
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Publisher's Synopsis

How did America transform itself, in a relatively short time, from a land inhabited by hunter-gatherer and agricultural Native American societies into the most powerful industrial nation on earth? You'll find out in LIBERTY, EQUALITY, POWER: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, CONCISE Sixth Edition. The authors tell this story through the lens of three major themes: liberty, equality, and power. You'll learn not only the impact of the notions of liberty and equality but also how dominant and subordinate groups have affected and been affected by the ever-shifting balance of power.

Book information

ISBN: 9781133947622
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Imprint: Wadsworth
Pub date:
Edition: Concise sixth edition, Student edition
DEWEY: 973
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 896
Weight: 1886g
Height: 276mm
Width: 218mm
Spine width: 32mm