Publisher's Synopsis
Letter to the Children of the World and Letter to my Father are now brought to us by Raul J. Albala, or Yaco, as he is known by those who have personally experienced the greatness of his word.Each one of his maxims synthesizes the wisdom of a man who has recapped his human history by collecting, at each instance of the journey throughout life, his most precious pearls of wisdom. He can, therefore, bequeath them to humanity, as a pioneer advancing towards freedom, leaving behind him a trail of light which can be followed by all men and women of goodwill.In these texts -as in Echoes from the Great Council or The Acta Magna of Planetary Independence, or as when he often aimed at opening our conscience towards planetary destiny-, his message unveils to us the Great Universal Father-Mother, inherits us a master key which will enable us to open human's heart towards its highest destiny: Love.Mónica Piacentini