Publisher's Synopsis
Guardian angels come to us in all shapes, sizes and species. Mine came in the form of a beautiful, loving, black Labrador named Joe Joe. He shaped my future through his own pain and illness, and led me to a new career path as a canine rehab therapist, and my passion in life, at the age of forty-seven. Joe Joe showed me that if we can open our minds and hearts, then our destiny can be right there in front of us, if we choose to see it. That everything really does happen for a reason, both our triumphs and disappointments. With Joe Joe's help, I was fortunate enough to be able to look back and see how this unfolded in my own life, both personally and professionally. It is also a story about the lessons I have learned from all the wonderful dogs and owners I have interacted with. Lessons found in humor, sadness, victory, and defeat have given me a unique insight into the qualities these amazing creatures inspire in their humans. The canine patients in my book, span the spectrum from the geriatric, sedentary, family pet, to a two-time natinoal champion police K9, and everything in between. Yet the common thread is that all the owners have at least one story about their best friend that starts with, "You'll probably think I am crazy, but..." Everyone's story has a different ending but my response is always the same, "You're not crazy in my book." This book is for all those millions of people whose lives are so enriched. It is for those who shudder when their friends say, "It's only a dog." It is also for anyone who hasn't yet found their passion and may not even know where to begin to look.