Publisher's Synopsis
LESSER KNOWN OUTLAWS OF WYOMING by Peter Netzel A gang, led by "Big Nose" George Parrott, attempted to rob a train by Medicine Bow, in southern Wyoming, in 1878. The attempt was foiled by a railroad worker who discovered the damaged track in time. The initial manhunt resulted in the ambush and murder of two deputies, Robert Widdowfield and Tip Vincent, men well-liked by all who knew them. Posses were formed and intense efforts began to capture the treacherous outlaws, who included: "Big Nose" George Parrott, Dutch Charley Burris, Frank Towle, Sim Wan, Reddy McKimie, Tom Reed, Jack "Sandy" Campbell, Culley McDonald, and John Erwin. Vivid details of the events are brought to life by the addition of old news articles from the times. These are the stories of the attempted Medicine Bow train robbery in 1878; the double-murder of 2 deputies; and the fate of the very bad men who were responsible. Many of them were lynched by angry citizens. This book will take you on the journey of Big Nose George Parrott and four of his later gang associates: Dutch Charley Burris, Frank Towle, Reddy McKimie, John Erwin, and Sim Wan. Their outlaw exploits were notorious at the time. And, their lives were shortened, often brutally, by angry citizens and lawmen. George had a fondness for Wyoming's Big Horn Mountains. He and his gang returned there after many a robbery to hide out. In 1878, Parrott met up with other outlaws, one of whom was "Dutch Charley" Buress, in Rawlins, Wyoming. The group decided to rob a train near Medicine Bow Station. Big Nose George kept watch while the others attempted to damage the track in order to stop the train. Before they got very far with their tampering, a Union Pacific railroad worker came around a bend pumping a hand car. Thus began a series of events that would leave two deputies killed and massive manhunts for the gang members. Although all of them escaped, most of them ended up being lynched, imprisoned, or murdered. This book, LESSER KNOWN OUTLAWS OF WYOMING, contains many old newspaper articles, which will take you back in time; you will ride alongside the desperadoes and the lawmen; you will hear the angry voices and view the lynchings, and all the vivid details of the events surrounding this story.