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Less Than Angels

Less Than Angels A Novel

Paperback (05 Mar 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A tale of a woman's romantic entanglements with two anthropologists—and the odd mating habits of humans—from the author of Jane and Prudence. Catherine Oliphant writes for women's magazines and lives comfortably with anthropologist Tom Mallow—although she's starting to wonder if they'll ever get married. Then Tom drops his bombshell: He's leaving her for a nineteen-year-old student.   Though stunned by Tom's betrayal, Catherine quickly becomes fascinated by another anthropologist, Alaric Lydgate, a reclusive eccentric recently returned from Africa. As Catherine starts to weigh her options, she must figure out who she is and what she really wants.   With a lively cast of characters and a witty look at the insular world of academia, this novel from the much-loved author of Excellent Women and other modern classics is filled with poignant, playful observations about the traits that separate us from our anthropological forebears—far fewer than we may imagine.

Book information

ISBN: 9781480408074
Publisher: Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.
Imprint: Open Road Media
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 234
Weight: 313g
Height: 214mm
Width: 142mm
Spine width: 17mm