Publisher's Synopsis
Lesbians Rock Volume 5 includes stories of lesbians dealing with their parents when they acknowledge their hearts love women, not men. The stories are of girls and women of all ages from all walks of life, stories of wonderful loving relationships and those where addictions, alcoholism, battering and other happenings within the relationships of any couple, gay or straight. The stories are of the gentle sweet love shared by two women when they become friends and find their hearts filled with love, building their home together, adjusting to medical and health needs, dealing with outsiders and family members and the worst of all, bombs and fires and deaths that come when people of hatred and prejudice are determined to destroy the lesbian couple and their home. "Lila, just over a year ago, I realized how I was different from all my friends. I would watch them as they interacted with each other, even their closest friend. I saw them with their fiancés and husbands at social affairs. Finally, I knew how different my heart was; that I loved differently. Men never attracted me like a lovely woman would; on the other hand, no woman attracted me enough to call it romantic or love. Not until you, Lila. My heart is drawn to you in a way I've never known before." She looked at Lila and smiled. "That's what I've been wanting to say to you for the past two months. I hope it doesn't cause you to leave." "Sloan felt her heart absorbing the sweetness that came her way as she put her right arm around Betty, hugged and their cheeks touched. "Betty, it's great to see you again. I've missed you. You may not realize it, but it was twenty years ago today when I last saw you. I've pined for you ever since. For something that could never be." "She gave her beloved Martha soft, sweet kisses. "I ask for nothing more, my precious wife. You've given me so much love. And, you've taught me how to live a happier life. I so thankful." She lay down beside Martha and held her close." "Alex, when you slept with Sue, I forgave you and stayed. When you two-timed me with Marti, I let it go. I believe you when you said it would be the last time. I came back and we had a few weeks of sweet loving and companionship. Then you took Kristi." Jane was shouting and crying at the same time. "I know, Honey. I've been stupid too many times, but I'm over it. I don't want to lose you." Ruth looked at their hands and smiled. "Yours is a lovely warm hand; means you've got a warm heart. I like that and, Samantha, I like you very much. You're sweet." Her golden eyes held Samantha's then leaned to kiss Samantha softly, quickly; then she smiled again."