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Legend of an Immortal Vixen

Legend of an Immortal Vixen

Paperback (17 Jun 2024)

  • $15.53
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Publisher's Synopsis

A vixen who had practiced immortal arts for more than 9000 years came across a young and handsome gentleman in Tomb Sweeping Day, due to the burgeoning lascivious desire in spring, she changed into a beautiful girl, seduced him, slept with him as a couple by visiting his mansion late in night and leaving before daybreak to draw away his innate and acquired positive energy. After more than half a year, the gentleman became quite emaciated and powerless as they did the thing thrice every night. The butler who had served the mansion for two generations found the problem and his only son had been gulped down by the vixen, he tried to catch the vixen with the tenants in the village, by seeking help from a monk of Taoist, prayed to Heaven. Heaven sent King with Tower and his soldiers to catch the vixen with other foxes, the vixen owned powerful arts and skills due to her practice, she fought fiercely with the heavenly soldiers, could she win the fight? What happened in the fighting process? Could she get married with the gentleman?

Book information

ISBN: 9798227237361
Publisher: Draft2digital
Imprint: Great Wall Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 218
Weight: 281g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 13mm