Publisher's Synopsis
Learn To Play Lead Guitar is for the student who is well versed in playing rhythm guitar and wants to take their playing to the next level by learning how to play guitar solos. The student should already have a basic understanding of playing chords, creating chord progressions and guitar riffs, and reading basic music notation such as guitar tabs. With this fundamental foundation already in place, you will be able to progress faster at becoming a lead guitarist. You'll just need the desire to learn. Playing lead guitar is an exciting and rewarding expression of your inner passion for the guitar. With this skill, you can add a unique voice to the music while increasing your mastery of the fretboard.
But for you to do that, you will need to master a few techniques, such as learning scales, phrasing, and knowing where to play a solo in a song. As this knowledge will allow you to stay in key and sound good with every note. Scales such as the pentatonic and blues scales will be recommended to start as they are widely popular with many different styles of music. Daily practice of such techniques as hammer-ons, pull-offs, bends, slides, and vibrato will build finger dexterity and independence. It also allows you to add emotion to your playing and bring the scales to life.
You will also learn to set goals, develop a practice routine, and get tips on playing by ear. Along with learning guitar solos from recordings. This will guide you on how to create a unique style of your own. It is all here in this book, Learn To Play Lead Guitar. A comprehensive training guide that will teach you to develop the skill of playing awesome guitar solos and melody lines. Developing your unique signature style is what playing guitar is all about. Especially playing lead guitar. This book will show you how in a very simple step-by-step method. So, get the book, get started on the journey, and let your passion for playing guitar solos shine through as I guide you along the way. Dwayne Jenkins.