Publisher's Synopsis
"Leadership Lessons From Comprehensive School Reform addresses a topic that has received far too little attention in the comprehensive school reform movement: the role of school and district leaders in the reform process. This volume shows how much we′ve learned about how leaders shape comprehensive reform and how the reform process must shape leadership."
Robert Slavin, Co-Director
Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk
Johns Hopkins University
"This volume provides the most thorough, balanced, and informative source available on comprehensive school reform. In addition to insights regarding implementation of many of the most prominent CSR models, the book is a primer on ′distributed leadership,′ providing perspectives on the interplay of principals, teacher leaders, central office administrators and model developers engaged in school and district reform."
James Lytle, Superintendent
Trenton, New Jersey Public Schools
"This book offers well-grounded insights about the leadership practices of educators involved in the implementation of Comprehensive School Reform models. Leaders and leadership scholars will find it a rewarding read. I recommend it highly."
Kenneth Leithwood
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Ontario, Canada
Discover what we′ve learned about educational leadership from comprehensive school reforms models-straight from the experts and insiders!
Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) is proving to be one of the most promising avenues for improving student achievement. The authors have found that leadership is frequently acknowledged to be a prime factor in the successful implementation of comprehensive school reform. Murphy and Datnow have gathered together a group of CSR insiders and researchers to examine the issue of leadership in CSR for the first time.
Contributors and CSR models include:
- Expeditionary Learning Schools
- Modern Red Schoolhouse
- Co-Nect
- Success for All
- New American Schools
- Chicago Annenberg Challenge
- Bay Area School Reform Collaborative
- Accelerated Schools
- Coalition of Essential Schools
- Comer School Development Process