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Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Leader's Guide

Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Leader's Guide

Paperback (01 Jan 2013)

  • $12.38
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Publisher's Synopsis

The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Leader's Guide is an introductory course designed to equip new church leaders and renew current leaders in The United Methodist Church. It can be used with adults and youth and is the foundational course for other leadership training courses.

This course covers the 3 three core categories of Lay Servant Ministries: Leading, Caring, and Communicating; it also emphasizes ministry in daily life and sharing faith stories. The plans in this Leader's Guide are designed to be taught in 5 two-hour sessions. They can also be used over a weekend.

NOTE: This guide replaces the Lay Speaking Ministries Basic Course Leader's Guide, DR551. If you have taught the Basic Course before, you will need to adjust your teaching plans to emphasize the core categories described above.

Book information

ISBN: 9780881776270
Publisher: Upper Room Books
Imprint: Discipleship Resources
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 68
Weight: 132g
Height: 235mm
Width: 191mm
Spine width: 4mm