Publisher's Synopsis
Law librarianship is a constantly evolving field that has seen major shifts in practice over the past several years including the post-pandemic trend towards remote and hybrid work, the increased prominence of virtual services, the outsourcing of library staff, burgeoning cybersecurity risks, and the advent of generative AI. Law librarians have adroitly adapted to all of these changes and have once again proven their resilience.
Law Librarianship Practice is a cutting-edge book that provides insights into the latest emerging trends and technologies in academic, government, and law firm librarianship. This book offers guidance from forward-thinking library leaders on how they are tackling the challenges of law librarianship today including; managing remote workforces, negotiating with vendors, navigating outsourcing services, planning for emergencies, riding out law firm mergers, succession planning, and more. Experts working in the field provide practical applications of new technologies and opportunities, such as how librarians are conducting AI-informed competitive intelligence, using big data for decision-making, and what's happening in artificial intelligence. The book also covers innovative initiatives in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Access to Justice, and more.
Law Librarianship Practice serves as a comprehensive manual of modern-day law library practices, providing invaluable resources for law librarians. Readers will gain inspiration from nearly thirty chapters contributed by distinguished academic, government, and law firm librarians as well as library consultants who share their experience along with a combination of researched data, contract excerpts, surveys, and other real-world intelligence.
Divided into three segments, readers will be led through twenty-eight chapters in the areas of Law Library Management, Law Library Technologies, and Law Library Challenges and Opportunities.