Publisher's Synopsis
Emma Walker, Annie Parker, and Gina Blair, best friends for over thirty years and newly retired from teaching, made plans to embrace their retirement, embarking on all the adventures they could cram into the years ahead. Unfortunately, life's best laid plans can often change in the blink of an eye and, for Gina and Annie, that is exactly what happened, when, instead of planning their next big adventure, they found themselves having to honor Emma's final request; a beach party funeral. As Emma often said, "Life's a bitch." Despite the challenges of planning a beach party send off for their dear friend, Gina and Annie manage to pull it off amidst a few challenges; Emma's family and her estranged sister Polly being the biggest of the hurdles. As the two friends try and settle in and find a way to fill the deep void left by Emma's absence from their lives, they take comfort in her words, written in a journal she left behind. What they will discover as their loss touches the very depth of their hearts is that life does go on, and, when they least expect it, it can also surprise them in ways they would have never thought possible. Lavender and Earl Gray Tea is the sometimes touching, often funny, story of unconditional friendship, of loss, and of moving forward to discover life can take us on adventures even when we think the ride is over.