Land Use-Transport Interaction Models

Land Use-Transport Interaction Models

Hardback (28 Nov 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Transport and the spatial location of population and activities have been important themes of study in engineering, social sciences and urban and regional planning for many decades. However, an integrated approach to the modelling of transport and land use has been rarely made, and common practice has been to model both phenomena independently.

This book presents an introduction to the modelling of land use and transport interaction (LUTI), with a theoretical basis and a presentation of the broad state of the art. It also sets out the steps for building an operational LUTI model to provide a concrete application. The authors bring extensive experience in this cross-disciplinary field, primarily for an academic audience and for professionals seeking a thorough introduction.

Book information

ISBN: 9781138032460
Publisher: CRC Press
Imprint: CRC Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 333.77
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 238
Weight: 486g
Height: 163mm
Width: 241mm
Spine width: 18mm