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Lancaster Remembering 1914-18 - Great War Britain

Paperback (07 Aug 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The First World War claimed over 995,000 British lives, including the deaths of over a thousand 'Men of Lancaster', and its legacy continues to be remembered today. This book looks at the impact that the loss of so many men had on the community and offers an intimate portrayal of Lancaster and its people living in the shadow of the 'war to end all wars'. Drawing on detailed research conducted by the authors and their community partners, it describes the local reaction to the outbreak of war, the experience of individuals who enlisted, the changing face of industry, the women who defied convention to play a vital role on the home front, and how Lancaster coped with the transition to life in peacetime once more. The Great War story of Lancaster draws on all of these experiences to present a unique account of the local reality of a global conflict.

Book information

ISBN: 9780750968256
Publisher: The History Press
Imprint: The History Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 942.769083
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 159
Weight: 348g
Height: 156mm
Width: 230mm
Spine width: 10mm